Significance of Nine Days of Navratri and Divine Products to Commemorate the Occasion


 Indian civilization is one of the few that acknowledges the unrealized potential of the other half of the world. Along with a profound acknowledgement, it also places it on the highest pedestal and bows down to its unchallenged life nurturing ability. The nine days festival called "Navratri" celebrates the same. It worships woman as the underlying universal power by placing them as the supreme goddess of power, prosperity, and true wisdom. 

Apart from female imperium, the period also signifies some more potent life sustaining cosmic and climatic developments. 

Scientifically, Navratri falls at the two important junctures of climatic change. It is the time when earth shifts its route around the Sun causing climate change. The sharadiya navaratri commences at the beginning of winters while the chaitra Navratri signifies the onset of summer. Seasonal changes have a deep influence on the physical, emotional, and spiritual state of human beings. It is the reason why meditation, fasting, and socialization is recommended during these nine days. 

Navratri is dedicated to the supreme cosmic power Durgaa Maa as all life-defining incarnations. She is the one that represents the three states of time: past, present, and future. She is also the one that represents the three forms of world: the transcendental cosmic world, the conscience mental world and the simple physical world. She is the epitome of primordial vibration OM and the true force of nature. 


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